Zufelt Family Feb 2015

Zufelt Family Feb 2015

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Leave It to a Man with a Chain Saw

After Maddie finished her stories tonight and was shuffled off to brush her teeth, Ben had a question.  Thankfully he addressed it directly to dad.  "Dad, how do they get babies out of a baby if you stay at home?"  (My friend is hoping for a home birth today).  Brian, not knowing what to say, tried and tried to dodge.  Finally he came up with telling Ben, "I don't know.  I never had a baby at my house.  All mine came at the hospital."
Nice try. Ben follow up with, "Then how do they get babies out of the mom at the hospital?"  Brian still waffling around said the doctor cut him out of my stomach.  That prompted Ben to more questions and offering options for Brian to choose.  "Do they use a chain saw to cut the baby out?  Or a jack hammer?"  He told him about the little knives for surgery.
Ben then says, "I know that I have a puzzle in my brain that tells how I am."  Confused, we asked more questions to figure out what he's talking about.  He tells us the puzzle said he would have a p (if I write the word my blog will get blocked). Okay, he must be talking about DNA making boys and girls different.  Using that lead in, we say just like he has a body part, girls have a hole for babies.  And that's enough info for tonight.  All I know is I'm glad no one used a chainsaw to get my babies out.
I asked Brian if I could post this or not.  He read it first and said if this is what I'm writing, he wants me to add that I sat at the table the entire time with a smirk on my face offering not even one teeny tiny piece of aid to my poor husband.  It's true.  I have already had this talk at least twice and figured it was Dad's turn to be on the hot seat.  He did well.

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