Sunday, December 28, 2014
Eye Doctors
Saturday, December 27, 2014
Minecraft is for Big Girls
Monday, December 15, 2014
More Kids?
Our friend here went into labor two nights ago so I have stayed at their house since then and Brian has managed here at our house alone in the morning rush plus nights. All day I manage the six kids. I concur. We admit defeat.
No Joke. I Think it's a Sign.
Saturday, December 13, 2014
Friday, December 12, 2014
Bedtime Delay Tactics
Awesome Days Full of Blessings
Sunday, December 7, 2014
Thursday, December 4, 2014
Ashlyn, Butter and Grandma Maleta Robinson
Sorting through pictures tonight I stumbled across this one that had me reminiscing during the flight from SLC to Saudi this summer. Ashlyn is two and she has a first class ticket on this trip. She is well taken care of to say the least but the food isn't always too familiar to her. At this meal she received bread and a small bowl with butter. Because I was flying solo this time with four kids, mealtimes were anything but relaxing. I would go from seat to seat cutting meat, opening silverware packets, telling them what the strange and fancy food was. I had to take a picture when I noticed Ash had eaten the chilled, molded butter patty like a piece of candy while I was distracted. Then she put her binkie in and was totally happy watching a Mickey Mouse movie before she fell asleep.
The situation is particularly hilarious to me because I have vivid memories of Grandma Robinson doing the same darn thing at about 90 years old. My cousin Rick and I both lived with her in her apartment for a while. Grandma was well known for her addiction to the buffet style restaurant Chuck-a-rama. It really was the perfect place. Always room to seat the entire family (I figure we frequently had 30+ at a standard cousin gathering by that time). Because Rick and I lived with her we went out with her every now and then just the three of us but it was always to Chuck-a-rama no matter the size.
On this particular day we sat down and filled our plates at the salad bar first. Grandma always got a little of everything to try. We talked and ate and after a very long while Grandma finally asked Rick to taste her jello salad. She didn't particularly like it, but being raised not to waste a bit of food she had been trying to power through for quite a long time. Rick obliged by taking a little taste and promptly proclaimed, "Grandma!! THAT'S BUTTER!! You're eating a pile of butter!" She was greatly relieved and pushed the plate aside to be cleared by the bus boy because she no longer felt she had to finish the whole thing. Rick hassled her the rest of the meal in his natural good natured way and I'll never forget it. She was a wonderful woman and I really miss her some days.
So seeing Ashlyn had just polished off a big pile of butter made me smile and think of my sweet Grandma and all the good times we shared together.
Wednesday, December 3, 2014
100% Natural
Brian and I just Burst out laughing. Uh...yes. Yes, unfortunately we do that all the time.
Sunday, November 30, 2014
Coming Home from Scout Camp
Ben had his first Boy Scout campout last weekend. He had a great time and received the "Most Prepared Considering Experience Level" award. Because of security concerns they actually camped inside our compound. Because I'm on the scout committee I dropped in once a day to see how things were going but they seemed to have everything covered so I stayed home most the time and gave him his space to be a boy.
On Saturday around lunch time it was time to go pick him and his gear up. Because we can't drive here, we obviously don't have cars. My options to get his stuff home were:
a) lug it across the compound (it's pretty far)
b) dial zero and call the golf cart from the office to come get us
c) be an engineer and come up with a way to manage my own problem with class
I chose "c". I used our electric scooter for myself then tied a rope on the kids wagon and hooked it on my shoulder. I think it was genius!
Fingers crossed we can try desert camping some day.
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Saturday, November 29, 2014
Monday, November 24, 2014
Flooding Funny
Friday, November 14, 2014
Good Day
Wednesday, November 12, 2014
Funding Request
I am writing to let you know about the balance issues I am currently experiencing in my wallet. I have therefore given it much thought and believe my only appropriate course of action is to solicit a donation from your personal account. As you consider my humble request and how it will impact your year end accounting please be aware that in addition to the daily expenses we incur on an on going basis my corporation will be taking all of our short staff to a charitable function wherein there will be multiple opportunities to unload any excess funds you may have accrued during this fiscal year.
Thank you kindly for your time and consideration in this matter. We look forward to facilitating the reduction of excesses this coming Saturday as you feel is appropriate.
Best Regards,
Your Wife
Sunday, November 9, 2014
First Chill of the Season
Sunday, November 2, 2014
Skin Tone Queries of the Night
Monday, October 27, 2014
First Fitting
Ben is being fitted for his first magical robes. I've been busy sewing him the Hogwarts robe for his Harry Potter Halloween costume. He has read the entire series of seven huge books once and is two books short of finishing it all again. Even our driver commented the other day, "Ben is reading Harry Potter every day. Always a book in his hand but always it is Harry Potter." Yep. You got it, he's addicted.
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Sunday, October 26, 2014
Equality Momsters
Thursday, October 23, 2014
Belgium Waffles
Tuesday, October 21, 2014
Monday, October 20, 2014
We Are Under 30 degrees Centigrade!
Wednesday, October 1, 2014
No Screaming?
Sunday, September 28, 2014
Halawa Food Experiment of the Day
Wednesday, September 24, 2014
Abaya Shopping
First Sick Doctor Visit
Monday, September 22, 2014
Culture Perspective
Cleaning out my email inbox I found this Facebook exchange/discussion from July 2013. Seeing it again today made me ponder how our new location plays into the equation because I’m still in a cheap labor, caste system economy but living in a expat compound that counters that economy. Cultures are fascinating to me.
I think it may put me in the bad wife category that MY MAID reminded me that my wedding anniversary is in two days. I completely forgot. The good news? Brian appeared to be just as surprised as me when he saw it coming up on the calendar next week. We are pitiful. But still happily in love.
This is the reply from Angela Clayton that really puts life in perspective. Angela wrote: "I was reading in The Rational Optimist about this phenomenon. Asian cultures were built on the assumption of cheap labor but western cultures (specifically an offshoot of England) were built on using innovation and technology to eliminate the reliance on cheap labor. In the US or Australia, everything is built to be easier to do because you do it all yourself. In Asia it is the opposite. Low cost labor is cheaper than automation. Now that we are back in the states with no maid after two years of a live in, it is incredibly easy here. Costco is a far more efficient cook. Walmart is my domestic helper. And I have carpet that doesn't require daily mopping to look good. My washing machine is much bigger here and I can dry things in the dryer without having to empty the water out. I can put my dry cleaning on the porch in a bag and it will be picked up and returned to me. I have cold water and ice built right into the refrigerator door, and I have a second fridge to store even more things. Foods here in the US last a lot longer so I can shop less often. These conveniences make life far easier than having maid did."
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Saturday, September 20, 2014
Wednesday, September 17, 2014
Ashlyn's Fun
Madison Mae is Eight!
Tuesday, September 16, 2014
An Old Friend Came to Dinner on Saturday Noght
Thursday, September 11, 2014
Quote of the Day
"Hello Ma'am. This is So-And-So from Such-And-Such. I am calling regarding a note from Mr. Brian. I have tried to contact him and I think that he is too busy to pick up my call. This leaves me no choice but to talk to you. Is that okay?"
Seriously? I'm American. Yeah. You can talk to me about the size of the microwave in the house.
Side Note: We asked for a bigger one because it's so small a dinner plate fits but the splatter cover on top doesn't. We're feeding a family of 6. It's a bit undersized for this crowd. When the guy arrived he said, "Oh my God! That is ridiculous. And you have a big family. No, no, no. I brought the biggest one I can buy for you." We're all set with a nice microwave now.