Zufelt Family Feb 2015

Zufelt Family Feb 2015

Monday, November 2, 2009

My Life

This is why I feel so ugh. Life has been busy since Ben started kindergarten. He has half day so I have no freedom. Morning shower while Ben gets ready for the bus stop with dad - 1 hr to feed Jacob and Maddie and get her to preschool and do ALL my errands - Jacob naps - pickup Maddie - arrive just in time to get Ben from the bus - make lunch for everyone - clean it up - negotiate with Maddie to use the potty and take her afternoon naps - boom...the day is over. I'm feeling a little stuck and am losing my patience after two months of stuck-ness. Maybe in Jan or Feb Jacob will shift to one a day naps. Can't believe I actually WANT that. I must have a screw loose. Never thought that would happen that I want a child to give up a nap. Isn't naptime supposed to be a mother's sanctuary? Not so right now. Naptime is just a series of three time intervals that never align with each other that are swapped between Jacob, Maddie then Jacob again that make me unable to leave the house or do anything fun and glorious that I need to do. You know, like grocery shopping.


Brent said...

Now you probably understand why Mali was so happy to have Sarah in all-day kindergarten!

Hilary said...

Aw, I'm waiting anxiously for a one nap toddler! My 18 month old is still napping twice a day, and they've always been such pathetic short naps, that I'm just waiting for the one afternoon one that lasts for one and a half to two hours!

Laura said...

All I can say is I feel ya. I thought half day would be great but I'm finding it to be a real hinderance. Well, it won't be long, and they'll be in all day first grade. Yikes.