Zufelt Family Feb 2015

Zufelt Family Feb 2015

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Mandatory Stroller Rides

I finally decided that no matter how overpriced they were, I had to buy a stroller because Jake needs to be locked down and controlled when we are out and about. He has bolted full speed into streets with oncoming traffic, tried to jump down off the curb into the bus lane of traffic, jumped through elevator doors as they were closing, runs for escalators and travelators when I can barely handle the ten grocery bags I have to lug home from the store on the bus/taxi/shuttle. I thank the Lord for the many great people here who have consistently saved his little soul from certain destruction many, many times. In the end, it's not their responsibility and I can't seem to keep up with his fast little legs. For his own safety I bought that thing. Today I tried to leave it home and let him walk because we were literally going to a friends house just across the street. Nope. Should have brought the stroller. I'm just glad at that moment there were no taxis going 100 mph down our street which is usually the case because he ran for all he was worth, genuinely thinking he was heading to Ethne's house. Little punk. Guess we're never leaving home without a stroller again.


Erin said...

do you have one of those "monkey on their back" kind of leashes? my dad was appalled that I would put Ella in one of those until (at the same age as Jakey) she did the exact same things.

KaDee said...

I'm glad he's been protected so far. Keep that kid strapped in the stroller! :)
I've loved reading about all of your Singapore adventures.