Zufelt Family Feb 2015

Zufelt Family Feb 2015

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Monster #4 Has the Wiggles

The baby in my belly has been wiggly for a while, but while we were on the boat in the Great Barrier Reef things seemed to change a whole bunch.  I began feeling the baby move all the time, and with all that laying around time started to notice that I could start to feel it from the outside too.  A few weeks ago I kept trying to have Brian feel but I don’t think he ever really felt anything at all. Not wanting to be pushy I quit trying, knowing full well that the time would come soon enough.


Well, today the baby has been wildly busy.  Enough so that I even gave it a shot to have Maddie and Ben feel it.  Sure enough, they both felt it within two minutes.  It was so cool to share it with them.  I feel rotten that Brian wasn’t the first one, but how exciting to let the kids share in the baby with me!  They though it was cool and weird.  In time the movements will get bigger and more obvious and I hope this baby cooperates with us.  This time it matters to me.  A lot.


Ben was positioned right so that we could feel him move all the time and see his entire body move inside of me as my belly would lift up and a hand or foot would visually move across my belly from far right to far left.  It was mind boggling to watch for the first time in my life.  Maddie spent basically the entire pregnancy with her back laid across my belly and feet in the floor of my pelvis.  I could feel her kicking just as much as Ben but we literally saw nothing.  We were sad.  We hoped to share Jacob moving around with the kids like we had seen Ben moving but he was also a bit of a stinker like Maddie was.  His back stayed most the time near the front bottom of my belly with his feet and hands using my inner rib cage as a punching bag.  Boy that kid could cause some major discomfort when he pushed and stretched and pushed and stretched right into the bones on my left side.


So I’m asking this little one to please cooperate.  We want the kids to see you wiggle and move and know how real you are.  Plus, if memory serves correct, it’s a whole lot more comfortable to have you kick my belly button instead of my rib cage or pelvic floor.

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