Zufelt Family Feb 2015

Zufelt Family Feb 2015

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Bed Bugs Eradicated...We Think

According to the reliable internet searches I did, a bed bug bite can show up as late as 9 days after the bite occurred. I had a bite appear 10 days after our extermination attempts. It had me pretty nervous that we hadn’t nipped this problem in the butt quite yet and that the next few days I’d be waking with more and more itchy miserable bites. And the worst part of that scenario? Knowing I was still sleeping with weird creepy bugs IN MY BED!

Luckily now we are on day 18 post treatment and I have no signs of more bites and I haven’t seen any on Maddie. Of course every time I feel something I mentally turn it into a phantom bed bug bite and the mind games begin again until I can confirm there is no raised bump on my body. My overall conclusion from the entire experience? Bed bugs suck. Bad news is I have zero confidence level we won’t get them again someday. It’s either that or lice. Pick your poison, eh?

1 comment:

Juli said...

Buy the plastic mattress covers. Then you won't have to worry. Hotels do it.