Zufelt Family Feb 2015

Zufelt Family Feb 2015

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Maddie On Potty Training

Maddie has been a huge helper and really excited about everything preschool. This morning when I was prepping things before the kids arrived she got it in her head to help me set up. I gave her some little task and after she completed it for me she returned to report she had put out all the sitting mats. I thanked her. She smiled and replied, "I will always listen and obey everything, everything you ever say." She smiled and started to walk away and quickly turned back and motioned with both her hands in front of her as if to say stop. She continued, "Except for pooping in the potty. I won't ever do that one. Okay, mommy. I won't do what you say to poop in the potty 'cause I don't like that one. I can do all the other things you say mommy and obey." Just in case I had missed that sentiment in our daily arm wrestle over the bathroom, she has now made herself perfectly clear. At least we know where she stands, right?


Kristin Burke Sevinc said...

haha that's hilarious! :O)

Hilary said...

That was almost exactly Annie's sentiments on potty training! :-)

Anthony and Kristie said...

You go girl Maddie.

Cardon Family said...

Now that is hilarious!:)

Stephanie Pilling said...

she told you! hahaha! so funny!