Zufelt Family Feb 2015

Zufelt Family Feb 2015

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

More on My Tragic Loss

Wanna know the worst part? Mr. Computer here always keeps a backup of the files. The computer does an autobackup when any changes are made. It's like magic. Then, as an added measure of security, he has the backup make a mirror image of itself. This magic process happens on the little wireless device that has been plugged in beneath the guest bed in the nursery for a year or more. We call it the toaster. Of course, the toaster got all screwed up two weeks ago and he had to delete and reformat everything on the toaster. Now ask, "Angie, did everything get backed up again before the laptop died?" NO. Of course, Brian says it's basically just all my files, emails and such. Nothing of his is lost. RRRRRrrrrrrgggggg. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that he can recover my stuff. Please do the same. And maybe offer up a prayer for such frivilous things as my hard drive while I know your time with God could be much better spend asking for world peace and things like that.

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