Zufelt Family Feb 2015

Zufelt Family Feb 2015

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Lunch with the Little People

The boys (Ben and Anthony) are learning about magnets in kindergarten. While they waited for their lunches to come to the table Anthony started rubbing the top of the kitchen table with his palm. He pushed harder and harder and his focus got deeper and deeper on the task. Finally he told the other kids, "Look! See? It's magnatized now!" Then he looks at me and says, "Wow. I was pretty good. I'm just like a video you watch to learn about magnets!" Maddie is always wildly excited to pray any chance she gets. Yesterday Ben's comment when I chose her for the lunch prayer was, "Oh good. She prays the fastest in the whole family and I'm hungry. She just can't ever think of stuff to say." Today she said the lunch prayer, short and sweet. After a few minutes she hollers out at me, "Mom, I think we need to pray again." When asked why, she explained, "I prayed but my food is still hot." I guess that a 2 second prayer isn't quite long enough to cool a pizza at 450 to eating temp.

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