Zufelt Family Feb 2015

Zufelt Family Feb 2015

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Love Is...

...letting your daughter sit on your lap after she wakes from naps and snuggling her until she is ready to get up and play when she has a nasty, yucky, stinky diaper. Remembering she needs your love more than a clean diaper and more than you need clean air. ...wiping spit up off your nice, clean suitcoat the second you arrive at church. (I secretly smile and am impressed by any guy I see at church with spit up on his lapel. It tells me he is pulling his weight at home.) ...rocking a screaming baby so your sweetheart can walk away, breath a minute and let their eardrums recover. ...letting your wife have a night out with the girls so she can feel like a grown up again. ...folding laundry. ...folding laundry that has been in the basket for seven days without saying one word about how it should have been done a week ago. ...taking the kids on a walk so dinner can be made in peace, or rather, so it can just get made at all. Seems impossible to cook with a million distractions. ...Brian Ray-of-Sunshine Zufelt.


Laura said...

Love is good!

Hilary said...

Nothing makes me appreciate my husband more than when he comes home from work and without saying anything about it, takes the kids out back to play so I can have the house to myself for 20 minutes (even if I do just use that 20 minutes to fold clothes and do the dishes!)