Zufelt Family Feb 2015

Zufelt Family Feb 2015

Friday, May 7, 2010

"I'm Too Long Winded for Facebook"

If you know me at all, you know it's true. I'm just glad I finally heard someone put my feelings into words. I heard someone D.J. on the radio say it in a conversation on the morning show. A smile immediately spread from ear to ear and I finally felt I had words for my feelings about Facebook. Facebook is all about the one sentence (or less) status update. I can't express myself that concisely. I have to rewrite my emails a zillion times to shorten them, but reviewing them only makes me remember more stuff to write. If you read my blog, you'll see I have an incredible knack at making a short story long. Seriously, have you ever had a conversation with me when that wasn't the case? To be honest, this particular personality trait I posess does bug me. A lot actually. Wish I was different. I don't know. Can't seem to help it. All I know for sure is that, "I'm too long winded for Facebook!" Admit it. You're smiling right now because you know it's true...

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