Zufelt Family Feb 2015

Zufelt Family Feb 2015

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Alergic Reaction

Tonight we had "Mexican Chicken and Rice" for dinner. When Ben smelled the food in the kitchen he became excited because it smells like enchiladas, which is one of his favorite foods. He asked if he could wrap the rice up in a tortilla so it would be just like an enchilada. Then, when he took a bite of his "enchilada" he immediately told us it did not taste like an enchilada and he did not like the flavor. He unwrapped the rice and ate the bits of tortilla that had not been contaminated. We told him he needed to make sure he ate the rice also. After a little bit he finally took a nibble, after which he told us, "I think I'm feeling alergic to the food." We asked how he knew he was alergic, to which he replied that his stomach was hurting. He took another bite and started gagging extra strong to make sure we understood the problem. We insisted that he eat all of his food because that was dinner for the evening. In his mind, Ben must have faced a huge dilema: eat something to which he has a terrible alergic reaction or go to bed very hungry. Ben finally took a few more bites to get down the rest of the tortilla and a little bit of rice. I am sure he will be happy when breakfast rolls around.

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