Zufelt Family Feb 2015

Zufelt Family Feb 2015

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Scared of Heights

We've lived in this house three years, this is our fourth summer here and I've never been on the roof. Of course, two of those summer's I've been pregnant, but still Brian has half a dozen or more times, but not me. It freaks me out to tell the truth. It's all about having to climb the ladder. If the ladder was bolted in place, no problem. I climbed the derrick of the coker tower a bunch of times, pregnant with Ben up about 300 verticle feet on nothing more than a caged ladder to a 4'x4' grating platform. I held on tight, but I did it without much trouble. So I can't go up 20 feet on a rickety old extention ladder. Chicken. I think it's the fact that for Brian to climb the ladder, I have to hold it still, freaks me out. It just isn't safe enough for me. Bolt that baby down and I'll clean the gutters next year.
That being said, what do you do if you're scared of heights, but you know you have a roof/gutter problem? You wait. And wait. You notice the water eating away at the dirt on the side of your house. And wait some more. Then you hope it will magically, just go away. Then you wait again, trying to get up the courage to borrow the neighbor's ladder and check it out. Finally, you suck it up and tell your husband you think we have a roof or gutter problem. Then your hero, your knight in shining armor gets up on the roof and models for you a bit when you tell him to pose for the camera, then he cleans the gutters so you can rest comfortably next time there is a gi-normous rain storm.
P.S. - I could totally get on the short roof in the picture, no problem. It's the top of the house that has me totally wigged out. Guess that totally rules out a fancy-smancy house for us. 'Cause roof sitting was important to me growing up. How else you gonna watch fireworks on the 4th of July and Pioneer Day (If you don't know what that is, you just gotta be a Utahn, sorry. I was horrified when we moved to Texas and I asked my co-workers what state holiday they all got off work so I could plan my vacation schedule. They looked at me like I was an idiot.) Anyway, I enjoyed roof sitting with my family for fireworks with ice cream or candy bars or some fun treat.

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