Zufelt Family Feb 2015

Zufelt Family Feb 2015

Sunday, July 20, 2008

The Difference Between First Year and Fourth Year Girls

I was a bit sad about being in lower camp this year. It's a serious hike up and down the nasty hill every day. You pack everything you will ever need for the day just so you don't have to go back until bedtime. Turns out there are some benefits to being at the bottom. Upper Camp - The youngest girls sleep here. It's right by the campfire ring, nice bathrooms at the swimming pool with double the toilet stalls and an extra shower. When these girls see a mouse in their cabin (by the way, they are in EVERY cabin at camp), the night is totally ruined. They scream and cry and worry. They adults and Youth Leaders have to spend hours calming them down and they usually end up sleeping in another cabin, just so the adults can finally go to sleep themselves. Middle Camp - The middle levels of camp girls sleep here. Accommodations are not quite so posh, but reasonable. Usually, your shower is accompanied by spider in the shower stall. Mice abound in these cabins as well. When middle camp girls see a mouse in their cabin, they scream and freak out and run away. They can at least be logically calmed, but usually do end up spending the night in the Youth Leader cabin as well. Of course, they do get mad at each other for leaving candy out. Lower Camp - The oldest girls in camp. When we were doing our nightly rounds of cabins, tucking in the girls and singing them a lullaby of whatever they wanted, here is what happened in one cabin... The girls were laying on their cots talking with us adults. One jumped from her relaxed laying position to up on her knees. "Oh my gosh, I just saw a mouse!" She points to where it was, in the closet about 1 foot from where her head is. They are all totally interested and we investigate with a flashlight. Yep! There sure is a mouse. We laugh with the girls about how crazy camp is, sing them their goodnight song and head off. Didn't hear another word from them all night. Heaven bless the lower camp girls!! Of course that doesn't mean we get any more sleep. Lower camp girls sneak out of their cabins and attack each other in the middle of the night with Weep-ons and tribal war cries!

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