Zufelt Family Feb 2015

Zufelt Family Feb 2015

Friday, March 4, 2011

Pinewood Derby Construction

Ben’s Pinewood Derby car is coming along quite nicely. We received the pinewood derby kit last Saturday giving us only one week to prepare it.  Unfortunately, when we came to Singapore we sent all of our tools to storage (not that that mattered—they would still be on the slow boat if we had included them in our shipment).  I made a run to the D.I.Y. (Do It Yourself Homefix) store in the mall next door to pick up a saw to shape the car.  No coping saws available, only hack saws.  Ben drew his design on the car using pieces of the car’s box as a ruler and straight edge.  We did the best we could to shape the car to Ben’s specifications using the hacksaw, letting Ben do most of the cutting.  We did have to advise Ben to revise his design a couple of times to make sure he left enough wood so the nose and tail didn’t break off before the race.  I didn’t see any sandpaper in the D.I.Y. store so all of the hacksaw’s rough edges still remain.  Ben’s master plan is that he will decorate it tonight…with colored pencil.  Let’s just say that there won’t be any questions about if mom or dad built this car.  It’s all his and it’s totally perfect.  He’s so proud of his hard work.

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