Zufelt Family Feb 2015

Zufelt Family Feb 2015

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Tiny Bit Homesick

I’ve done okay with this move, much to my surprise and Brian’s I believe.  Not that I don’t miss my old friends, I’m just really okay with where I am and what I’m doing so I don’t get  down about being gone.  It would be great to be on the same time zone so I could call people.  Not that it’s impossible, but it has to be planned out.  My bedtime is a good time to chat when the kids are down, but all my friends are rushing to get kids breakfast and out the door so they don’t miss the bus.  By the time that winds down for them I’m tired and my eyelids are droopy.  I honestly think I might fall asleep on the phone if I called which is a bit rude.

Two weeks ago Brian was going to work late and a friend was dropping a new gal off at 7am to join us for playgroup later that day.  All by myself in the lobby I waited.  When they weren’t exactly on time I meandered over to the mail room to see if anything was there. To my great surprise there was something there and not just your usual boring bank statements.  We got a letter.  Our first letter.  I went back to the lobby to sit and tore it open.  It was a Valentine (Christmas) card from the Arveseth family.  Beautiful picture of their family.  It was so great to sit and think about old times.  That’s when the tears started to slowly seep from my eyes.  My heart ached to be home for just a few minutes. 

Funny though, they moved from Virginia over two years ago. It’s just that she was one of those people that come into your life at the right time and help you through the “stuff” thrown at you in life and a deep genuine friendship is forged. She’ll always be special.  And that is what I was missing about home not Costco or cheddar cheese or Special K or snow.  I want my good, close friends with history back.  I miss my daily talks with Lucinda as we drop off the boys after the bus stop.  One of my first days here I had to wake Jacob from his nap to go to the bus to get Ben and for a split second I thought to myself, “I could just call Lucinda and she’ll grab the boys.” 

Right now I look around my neighborhood and at church and all I see is near strangers. I think I’m tired.  I just don’t have the energy to put into new friendships.  Doing simple things takes all my available time in the day here because I’m tethered to our apartment for Jake’s afternoon nap and the bus stop pick up.

I have been hanging out with Jenny and Lyndi a lot the last few weeks.  It has been fantastic.  Jenny lived down the road in Virginia so we knew each other a little before we came, now she lives literally across the street.  I’ll be sad to move far from her, but I have a car and she’s becoming a good adventure buddy so we’ll still get together sometimes.  Lindy lives in the same serviced apartments as us.  She was sent here when she started having trouble with her pregnancy in Jakarta.  Her baby came about two months early and her family was in Jakarta still.  After baby Colin was released from the NICU her younger two came to stay with her making great playmates for Jake and Maddie.  She leaves for home again the day before we move. Life is about to change again in a pretty major way.

I’m not sure if I’m really homesick or not.  I haven’t been sad again before or since we got the card.  We got a fun package a few days later for the kids from Anthony and Becca.  It was a hit.  My living room widows are covered with gel clings that move around every day.  Hopefully today I will mail some things home, like the Netflix movie we forgot to mail in before we moved.

1 comment:

Cath said...

Oh Ang! Didn't expect that kind of a response! I feel your pangs of longing though. I too, wish you were around the corner still, and we could venture out on warm days to the park. Friends with history are special. And you are that for me. I can't imagine how insular it must feel for you - even with a few friends. And anticipating another move. Hard. I wish I could be there to help you. Have you met Melissa yet? Love you.