Zufelt Family Feb 2015

Zufelt Family Feb 2015

Monday, March 14, 2011

Weird Thing of the Day - Military Time

Holy cow.  You wouldn’t believe what a hard time we had finding alarm clocks here.  We were told that if you bring them from the States they may work but with the power difference they will always run slow.  We looked at a couple stores with no luck finding what we wanted.  Seemed like such a simple thing to buy.  Now we know.  All digital alarm clocks read in military time. No use searching for an alternate, it doesn’t exist. How obnoxious is that?  You’re tired from a long day, look at the clock to see what time it is and are hit with a math problem.  It is “X minus 12” o’clock.

Brian finally bought two.  One normal one for $40 and a large print edition for his blind wife so I could see at night without contacts in for a whopping $60.  When he came home and told me he had just spent $100 on two alarm clocks I almost fell off my chair.  I figured they better have some crazy great bells and whistles.  Nope.  It’s as generic and no frills as they come.  And it’s military time.  Dang it.

1 comment:

Brent said...

Same thing with the clocks here. The alarm clock we use has a battery back-up, which is great because the power seems to go out on a daily basis, but after a couple of weeks the clock is about 10 minutes behind the actual time. Go figure.