Zufelt Family Feb 2015

Zufelt Family Feb 2015

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Puppet Shows

We were all in the living room this morning. I was trying to sleep on the couch, Brian was working on the computer, Maddie playing with something on the floor and Ben was using his imagination. We have a bunch of puppets that he has recently become interested in. I realize when I bought them (he was 6 months old) that I might have been jumping the gun a bit, but he'd eventually like them, right? Well, 4 years later, he started playing with them. Brian had the laptop and took notes of three of the make-believe stories he created... "Once there was a nurse and a doctor that lived together. They gave reeaally good snuggles…The End."
"One day the parrot and the chef were friends. They gave really good snuggles to each other. The End."
"Once there was a sleepy lion and a rooster…Cock-a-doodle doo…I need more people…" So, he didn't have enough hands to do more complicated shows. This is why he bothers me everyday to have a play date, so he can boss his friends around and make them do what he instructs them to do since I don't always want to play puppet show.

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