Zufelt Family Feb 2015

Zufelt Family Feb 2015

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Sharing a Room

Maddie did so well at moving all around during our vacations the last two weeks! She would basically sleep anywhere we stuck her, a crib in the dark basement, pack-n-play in a mountain cabin with kids playing around her, a futon bed in the spare bedroom. Brian decided to capitalize on her flexibility yesterday. We got home from our trip to Utah and he put the side rail on the big boy bed Ben used to use before he graduated to his loft bed last month. She thought it was a totally cool idea. "Maddie night-night Bens woom?" she said. Ben has to have a lamp on in his room for light, so Maddie could see and it kept her awake for the extra half hour until Ben came to bed. Ben climbed in bed and was asleep in a few minutes. Maddie stayed awake until we went in after Ben was out and turned the light off. Then she was asleep right away. She stayed asleep the entire night. For naps today, she demanded to sleep in Ben's room. The one bad side is that Ben told us this morning he didn't sleep the entire night. He kept his eyes open the whole time to make sure Maddie didn't fall off the bed. Poor kid. He must be exhausted!! So, assuming the good luck holds, the nursery can now be for the new baby. Not bad to be 4 months early! Next task: loose the binkie...

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