Zufelt Family Feb 2015

Zufelt Family Feb 2015

Monday, August 10, 2009

Dear Soderblogger

Just yesterday Brian and I were having a conversation about my blog. I'm not funny anymore. You started a blog this weekend which I'm totally excited about. To read your take on the quirky things that go on in Thailand will be hilarious. I can hardly wait for your first real post. Welcome, by the way, to our world. I'm sure you have many a posts floating through your head about weird things you've seen in the last two weeks. Anyway, I told Brian about the new "Soderblogger" and he replied that I can finally be your faithful reader like you have been mine. Then I confessed that I feared I may have lost my one and only faithful reader because I was boring now. Brian concurrs. He says I don't write about funny stuff anymore. I think I'm too depressed to think anything is funny these days. Jacob is sucking all the life out of me, no pun intended. All day everyday. My blog posts have slowly become a boring rehash of the details of my everyday drudgery of life. You know, in that annoying sort of way like when people stand in church and give a travel-log-imony instead of a testimony about Christ or a gospel principle. Zufelt Zoo is a bit reminiscent of my mood the last few months though. If you're exhausted, cranky and in demand beyond your ability to perform, you just get too tired to care to write about any of the funny stuff. The Zoo is so bland I'm not sure even I will want to read it again in fifty years. That's sad. Soderblogger, I'm sorry. I really am. Here is my pledge to you: I resolve to look for the lighter side of life again. Find the funny things and write them down. Even if it means not doing the dishes. (you've seen my house...like dishes ever kept me from blogging...yeah right) Remember, Brent, it's all to keep you, my only reader, entertained. You know I can track you now, right? I'll be watching you to make sure I get a hit from Thailand every now and then. In the interrum, until I'm up to speed again, you should check Mandy's Life posts "To the Editor". They are right up your alley and will have you rolling on the floor. And to Cath - I'll try to do more pics. Jacob willing, I'll do better.


Laura said...

You can say you have two faithful readers. I still love you and totally understand posts on the reality of your life. Love ya girl!

Erin said...

make that three

Brent said...

Gee, nothing like putting a newbie under a lot of pressure! Now I'm going to have serious anxiety about all of my posts...

I'll also make my pledge that now that we've got regular Internet connection I will be reading regularly.

Courtney said...

add another reader :-) i think you are funny and capture so much so well! keep writing!