Saturday, February 28, 2009
Good Friends Rock
Places To Go and Things To Do
Friday, February 27, 2009
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Bad Choice, Mommy
It's Gonna Be A Long Haul
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Our Budding Musician
Monday, February 23, 2009
TOTAL Let Down
Overlooking Miracles
Friday, February 20, 2009
Self Diagnosis
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
I.O.U. from the Government??
No More Mr. Nice Guy - Potty Training
Monday, February 16, 2009
I Wasn't Scared
Cakes and Virtue
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Pulled In Too Many Directions

- convert Maddie's room to Jacob's room
- prepare talk for ward conference (plus bake and decorate a cake for my object lesson)
- clean house over and over
- dejunk closets
- clean up junk pile in corner by party table
- list things on craigslist to sell
- take yet another load to goodwill
- get life insurance quotes, decide what we need then purchase this time instead of let quotes get old in my files again
- review finances in general
- invest in Roth IRA
- establish and use a budget again
- get a condo for our California trip over Memorial Day weekend
- change cell phone plan
- return newborn and size 1 diapers
- buy size 2 diapers
- organize bins in basement storage room
- get info on self directed IRAs, review info and act
- inventory food storage to see what we need to buy/order online
- reorganize basement closet to fit kids toys
- wipe down basement to get rid of dust left during sump pump installation
- try new recipes to learn how to cook healthy foods we can store
- keep up to date on my blog
- search my sent mail from my email back to Jan 2008 and include stories I wrote down in my blog as back posts
- print the blog to a book for "2008"
- play around on and learn how to do family history research
And about a million other things. I feel pulled in a million directions. What is the most important thing to do?
Right now, it's write a talk about "Virtue" to give tomorrow at Annandale Ward Conference. After all my thinking it's time to pull my thoughts together in a cohesive grouping of words that others will understand.
Hot Date
Friday, February 13, 2009
Backyard Picnic
Caller ID
No Buy Month Sins

- Trip to Buffalo: ate at McDonalds three times, sort of planned on this mishap anyway so lets call it groceries since we didn't have a kitchen to cook with, okay? ($?)
- Date with Ben to Niagra Falls: three bouncy balls for the kids and one shot glass to mail to a friend who really, really needs it ($11)
- Michaels Craft Store: the "A" for Jacobs name and scrapbook paper to decorate it (for the record I tried to buy the "A" in January but they were out of stock and it was killing me to wait a month to finish my project and the scrapbook paper to decorate it was inspiration from seeing how Kristie did McKenzie's name in Buffalo) ($6)
I will borrow the mod podge from Mali to finish the "Jacob" name project so I can't see any other "needs" popping up this month. Only 15 more days to go. Plus, we figured out a way to have a cool Valentines date for free. Claudia, our super neighbor, offered to watch the kids for us. Then we'll use gift cards sitting around the house for both dinner and a movie. No cash out of pocket. Perfect!!
Playdate Fun
How to Waste Eighty Bucks - One Co-Pay at a Time
- First have a baby. The nurse may notice an odd raised mole on your back and recommend you have it checked out.
- Second call your primary care physician for an appointment. Arrange for babysitting by husband while he's off work to help you after new baby was delivered. Sit in waiting room and then in exam room for approximately one hour total. Nurse will take a look at your back and make a note about why you came to the doctor. Doctor will finally come in, tell you that you should come back again in two months to get your iron levels checked. Then he'll ask what you came in for today. When you tell him for a referal for odd colored moles he'll just write a referral without checking and send you on your way. Pay $20.
- Next call all around to find a doctor that takes new patients for conditions such as yours. Make an appointment and arrange babysitting again. See the physican's assistant who does a full body check to find a random mole on your thigh that isn't raised and has never bothered you. In fact you didn't notice it there amongst all the other freckles. She tells you that she would like to remove the odd colored one on your back and the black one on your thigh. The other raised mole that has bothered you for years as it is rubbed daily isn't covered by insurance so she won't help you with that one. Make another appointment to come back again to have two offensive moles removed. Pay $30.
- Make next appointment and arrange for babysitting again (Brian is a wonderful man). Arrive at appointment and get injection to numb the thigh. I can still feel it after 5 shots. Physician's assistant gets julienne tool and cuts out the mole. Little ouch. Then she coterizes the wound and puts on a bandaid. She won't do the other one today because they won't do two in one day. Infection risk is too high. Seriously?? A papercut is bigger than this wound...whatever. I ask if I need to make another appointment. She tells me no. The fancy colored mole isn't too bad so she won't take it off. Wait. Wasn't that the whole point of my visit. What the heck? I'm done and ready to go. Call again in one year for another full body check. Pay $30.
Net result: spent $80, all moles that bothered me are still firmly attached to my body, one I had never even noticed before is being sent to the lab for testing, I had to arrange babysitting three times, I'm pretty much bugged. Sorry. I won't be calling back next year to spend another $80 to get nothing done.
P.S. - Remember how you said it wouldn't even hurt the next day? Wrong. It aches. How do you figure it won't hurt when you removed a chunk of skin from my leg? Duh. My two year old could have told you that.
Just Picking Our Noses
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Baby Books
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Dr. Craig's Diagnosis Confirmed
The Miracle of Infant Gas Drops
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Chubba Chubba
Monday, February 9, 2009
Thanks Sister Gillespie!
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Emerging Giggles
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Wii Havin' Fun

Rough Times
Niagara Falls Date with Ben
Buffalo Wings in Buffalo

Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Simple Testimony

What's His Name Future Wedding Cake
Tired Hands
Easily Pleased
Monday, February 2, 2009
Dr. Craig
Silent Laugh
No Buy Month

- Buy only necessities like groceries, gas, doctor co-pays, emergency car repair, etc, but no extra shopping at Home Depot for tools, the craft store for fabric, Wal-Mart do-dads or the mall for new clothes
- Pay your regular bills but don't sign up for new things
- Dining out is under debate, but I chose not to go out for our family
- save money during February
- learn/relearn to recognize impulse buys
- distinguish wants from needs
- gives me time to plan my purchases
- saves me money in March, April, May and beyond or until I lapse back into my old buying habits
- keeps me out of the stores so I am not tempted to spend money as often