Zufelt Family Feb 2015

Zufelt Family Feb 2015

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The Miracle of Infant Gas Drops

Jacob was having a really rough time with gas one night. He was screaming and crying for a few hours. Finally Brian diagnosed the problem as gas and we got the infant gas drops. I kid you not, the dropper literally touched his lips and he stopped crying for the rest of the night. We laughed that he hadn't even eaten them yet and they had "worked." Now those are some good drops!! Today Jacob got his immunization shots. He was cranky and uncomfortable and screaming. I was dreaming that the Tylenol would be as magical as the gas drops had been but no luck. It was a very long day and I thought my ear drum may rupture a few times from the screaming in my ear. I has planned to take Jacob with me to Enrichment Night at the church that night, but decided to leave him since I wouldn't have been able to stay in the room anyway if I'd had him. Brian said the night wasn't necessarily any better, but by the time I got home around 10pm he had finally settled down. Thank goodness for that.

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