Zufelt Family Feb 2015

Zufelt Family Feb 2015

Friday, February 27, 2009


Today while playing that she was falling off a waterfall, "Oh no!! I'm falling on the water-fart!! Help me!!" Anytime Maddie wants to tell you what someone says, she will say, "Says Dora, 'quotes person,' says Dora, Dora says." I know, confusing. Every day when I do Maddie's hair she wants to help pick the "pretties" we put in her hair that day. Once about a year ago, I used my teeth to open the container that holds the hair bands. Maddie is sure the only way to open the thing now is with her teeth. Then she picks out two to eight rubber bands and insists that I put them in her hair. We have some pretty fancy hairdos lately. On a daily basis, Maddie has begun to demand that she has all things pink. Today she wore a pink shirt, pink pants, three different pairs of pink shoes through the course of the day, a pink coat, had pink pretties in her hair and had to have the pink cup and plate at every meal. It's getting a bit ridiculous. I have been trying for two months to teach her the colors and she couldn't care less about them. If it isn't pink, she just couldn't care less.

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