Zufelt Family Feb 2015

Zufelt Family Feb 2015

Monday, February 2, 2009

Dr. Craig

Jacob has some nasty weird thing behind his belly button. Brian saw it a few weeks ago and it squishes back and forth and makes a really yucky sound. I didn't know what it was and don't like to touch it. It grosses me out and makes my stomach churn when I hear the fluid move around. Brian thinks it's really funny to make the squishy noise. I never seems to bother Jacob at all though. We mentioned it to Brian's dad, Craig today when we were on the phone. Right away he said it might be an umbilical hernia. Of course I googled it right off and looks like he is right. We'll have the doc check it next week for our regular 2 month check, but Dr. Craig has likely solved the problem. He says I can just mail the co-pay straight to the house.

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