Zufelt Family Feb 2015

Zufelt Family Feb 2015

Monday, February 23, 2009

TOTAL Let Down

I know. It's "No Buy Month". I guess I sinned again. We've been looking at carseats since the airlines started charging to check a car seat. If I check two car seats with my luggage for my departing and returning flight, I just wasted $100. We decided to take them to my parents house and leave them. In the long run, we'll save money. After all, you can buy lots of car seats in the neighborhood of $50 a piece. In one plane trip we might as well have just bought new chairs. Since we are spoiled and have always had the luxury of having car seats in both vehicles all the time we got accustomed to not having to switch around the chairs. What a pain it turned out to be to be constantly trading and securing THREE chairs. So we've been looking since June/July at replacing the ones we planned to take out to my parents place. While I was at Wal-Mart this week getting diapers (legitimate No Buy Month purchase) I saw that they had knocked the price down on two chairs we had considered. I called the boss at work and got approval to buy them right then. After all, we had waited for NINE months to make this purchase and there was a pink one on sale that Maddie could use until she is old enough to drive (at least that's when I figure my petite little lady will hit the 80 lb limit to get out of a booster). Ben was at preschool when we made the purchase so it was going to be the BEST surprise EVER!! He had been wanting a new chair for a long time. I was so excited to show him! I hid the chairs in the trunk and picked Ben up at preschool. We went home and had lunch. I told him that we had a super great surprise to show him when Dad got home. I showed him with my hands the approximate size of the fantastic surprise and he got really, really excited. He was having a real hard time making good choices, so I told him he needed to take a nap to earn his surprise. Mostly I needed a nap in a really bad way, but it worked and his attitude did improve with the nap. Soon Brian comes home and Ben wants to see the present he "earned" with his nap. I went to the car and Brian covered his eyes as I brought the two chairs into the living room. When we uncovered his eyes we had huge smiles of anticipation on our faces. Our happy smiles were met with a terrible, horrible, aweful scowl and arms being folded across his chest. We were shocked. He was mad. What did we do wrong? The kid was starting to cry. Dang it. He thought I got him a really, really big toy that he could play with. He pouted for a long time. Finally we just left him and told him we could return it if he didn't want a new chair. Eventually he came around and the next day he thought it was wonderful. Sometimes I think that little glass half empty boy will never be happy though.

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