Zufelt Family Feb 2015

Zufelt Family Feb 2015

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Sleep Is For Wimps

So we must be entering a new stage again, which is all too familiar to me. No matter how much I clean, take out the kitchen trash and empty the diaper pail, my house stinks. I'm well aware, that it will continue to be nasty until a few weeks after the baby comes, but it doesn't stop me from trying all sorts of futile efforts to "fix" the non-existent problem. The weather has even been so fantastic most of last week and the weekend that we had all the windows open and fresh air blowing through the entire house. My nose is on high alert and making up stuff to make my mind nuts. I have also apparently gotten all the sleep that I will need for the next few months. I now wake regularly to use the bathroom during the night. The last week, however, I cannot get back to sleep if it is any later than 4:30 am. It's killing me. I'm a cranky mom too. Who wouldn't be when your body is in overdrive growing a little wiggle monster, demanding more sleep than normal, but not giving it to you? Ugh. On the up side, as soon as I accept the inevitable and start getting up to clean the house and read my scriptures at 5 am, I'll certainly get more accomplished. I remember some incredibly productive nights while I was pregnant with Ben and Maddie.

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