Zufelt Family Feb 2015

Zufelt Family Feb 2015

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

FHE Again

For FHE last night we popped popcorn and watched "The Wizard of Oz" again in our bed. Since that was what our Halloween costumes were this year, the kids were totally into it. As each new character was introduced Maddie would say, "dat's Mommy Dorothy!!" or "Dat's da Tin Man! Dat's Daddy!" "Here comes ME! I da lion!" "Dat guy is the Ben!" (scarecrow). They totally loved it. Brian had worked late last night, so we got a much later start than we had planned, staring the two hour movie about 30 minutes before bedtime. I thought they might drift off during the movie and we could just put them in bed. Turns out it was a good thing we were in my bed. I fell asleep long before the kids. I woke up to the closing credits and the kids saying night time prayers on our bed with Dad. Cute kids were tired. They laid right down and were out as was I. Then of course, I was up at 5:30 wide awake since I had crashed so early. Hey, what better time to catch up on the blog? It was sure quiet while I wrote this morning. I hear the stirrings upstairs though. Time to sign off and get dressed for the day.

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