Zufelt Family Feb 2015

Zufelt Family Feb 2015

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Why I Need a Nanny

I just don't have enough hands and eyes to keep track of everyone around here. This is what happened when I set the table for dinner and a starving Maddie tried to get the bread by herself while I got the rest of the family to come sit down.
I finally, after two months, broke out the Bosch and used it the first time since it arrived. I've just been to tired since it came to do any baking at all. So, I made bread. I tried my friend Megan Fife's bread recipe. It was simply delicious when Megan made it. Not quite as great when I tried. In my defense, I started making it, got the hot water to activate the yeast when Jacob had to nurse and Maddie had to use the potty. So it wasn't exactly in prime "warm" condition when I returned to finish the job. Oh well. I can always try again if we can finish eating the two dense loaves on the counter. Here's to next time, eh?

1 comment:

Megan said...

Speaking of that recipe and Bosch mixers, my mother in law gave us a Bosch for Christmas, and that recipe has been miraculous ever since. Apparently metal bowls somehow interact with the yeast to make it not rise as well or something.

ANyway, I figured this out with it (after my first Bosch batch was a little, uh, pathetic): I do a full recipe (which is probably a double of what you have-it should be 10-12 cups flour) and then after I get the dough to exactly the right consistency, I set the timer while it runs to knead it (I can't remember how long the recipe says). Seriously, puffy, perfect wheat bread. And it keeps FABULOUSLY in the freezer.