Zufelt Family Feb 2015

Zufelt Family Feb 2015

Friday, December 5, 2008

Early Morning Breakfast

Why do I get afternoon appointments? So the hospital called yesterday and gave me the rundown again about what to do and not to do and where to park and what random diseases I have had in the past, etc. Really, the only thing that mattered was that I can't eat for 8 hours before the surgery. I mean delivery. Why do I always get afternoon appointments? This is the third afternoon baby. It would be so much nicer to wake up early and have a baby by 9 am. My tummy will be so grumbly and my palette parched by 1:30 pm. Plus, in not so many words, she told me to expect delays. She told me, "Well, not much chance we'll be bumping your surgery up today. We are booked solid from early morning." Great. I can take a hint. With Maddie we had to wait just over two extra hours in the waiting room before they took me back, then a bunch of emergency c-sections were taken care of while I waited on the bed all hooked up and ready to go. Having had an emergency c-section after a full hour of being in full transitional labor without the aid of an epidural or the luxury of being able to push for the whole time, I do NOT begrudge any woman her spot in line if I get bumped for them. I just wanted the other no big deal patients like me to have waited longer to schedule their procedures. :) I know it's a bit early for a blog post, but I can't possibly make it through the day without any food (even if I gorged at the all you can eat buffet last night). I was told I could eat at 5 am but not a drop of food or water after 5:30. I had a banana and two huge bowls of Berry Burst Cheerios and apple juice. I tried for the life of me to think of what I could eat to give me serious gas, but couldn't come up with anything. For those of you who don't know, after a c-section you are given a lovely diet of chicken broth until you can tell the nurse you have passed gas. Then your regular hospital diet can begin. With Ben I had chicken broth for about 3 days and was about to die from hunger. I got more and more frusterated. How can I have gas if I hadn't eaten in almost 5 days? When it was all said and done, aparently burping counts as a sign that your plumbing is all in order too. WHAT? Who neglected to tell me that? I burped 2 days ago. Oh well. This time I know the game. Anyway, the magical hour of 5:30 am has rolled on past and I have cleaned up the table to remove temptation from my sight. Why can't this delivery just be normal? Seriously? I had zero contractions with Ben, didn't dialate or efface. Induced a week late, didn't work out. Sunny side up baby with 90th percentile head = c-section. I had about 4 contrations a month before Maddie was born but never anything again and didn't dialate at all. We had an induction planned again but then Maddie was breached, so no choice again...c-section. Now I've been having real contractions for almost two weeks now. I think my body could actually do it this time, but if you had two c-sections, no doctor will really try a VBAC on you. You're just scheduled for a c-section to reduce the risk of uterine rupture at the scaring from your other surgeries. Oh well. I guess I'll never know what a regular delivery is like, but in the end who cares? I have beautiful kids however we get them here, we love them. By the way, we still have no name. We are down to: (in alphabetical order) Erik, Jacob, Jeremy, Joshua and Nicholas. Haven't even thought of a single middle name yet. This may just be our baby that comes home from the hospital with no name. Oh well. Every kid needs a story about where their name came from, right? Why not make it intersting. Brian said he'll update the blog tonight with stats and pictures so stay tuned.


Megan said...

I've been thinking about you and your prep for today-I'll pray it all goes well, and I will be so ready to come see the baby and take your kids after your family help is gone!

Verity said...

Ditto! I was afraid I might have missed Baby #3's arrival! Hope all went well today--can't wait to hear when you all are home safe and sound. Call me if Maddie and Ben need out of the house!!!
