Zufelt Family Feb 2015

Zufelt Family Feb 2015

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Overdoing It...Recovery

You know when you feel pretty good for the first time in a while and you go nuts doing all the things you have been putting off for a while? That's what happened on Tuesday. I felt great and the weather was warmish (in the upper 40s). I bundled the kids up and went outside. The kids rode bikes around the neighborhood and I walked with Jacob bundled inside my coat. Then Brian came home from work a bit early and I had really, really wanted to hit the Linen's and Things going out of business sale to see what we could find for my Christmas present. We hit the store, granted, we walked super, super slow. There was pretty much NOTHING left. The entire place looked picked over and there was basically only junk left. We came home and I relaxed a bit. Our good friends the Pillings brought dinner, which was great. Then I went to cooking group for a cookie exchange. My theory has always been I can relax at home on my couch or spend 10 minutes driving and relax on your couch. I still get the same amount of rest but get to enjoy my friends if I go out. Brian had been encouraging me to go for a day or two and actually wanted me to get out so bad that he baked me a bunch of cookies to take to the exchange. What a sweetheart. I woke up the next morning exhausted. I took an hour and a half nap in the morning on the couch while the kids played trains next to me. I made lunch for the kids and then took a two and a half hour nap in the afternoon. Poor Ben, he watched movies in the afternoon until Brian came home, then went to play with dad. I was so tired. Note to self: you are not fully recovered, take it easy or you'll have to sleep all day to recover again...

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