Zufelt Family Feb 2015

Zufelt Family Feb 2015

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Preschool Nativity Program

Ben and his buddies put on a nativity program. They practiced for a few weeks and did a great job. Ben was a shepard, which he wasn't totally excited about. We found out after some digging that his problem with it was that everyone else got to walk around a little bit in their jobs but he just stood most the time. It made me smile to hear his problems. He was so proud though after the program. He ran to me and gave me a huge hug and had a gigantic smile on his face. All the kids were cute. Hugh was my favorite. He was a little shy when he was playing the innkeeper. We did the play in Lindsey's basement and the kids wanted the inn to be in the bathroom. Hugh was in the bathroom, Mary and Joseph (Ella and Wade) came and knocked on the door to ask if there was room in the inn. Hugh wouldn't say anything and didn't step out of the bathroom at all. He just opened the door enough that he could barely see Mary and Joseph and shook his head "no" then quickly shut the door. It was so cute and funny.

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