Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Two Boring Engineers Have a Creative Day

Preschool Halloween Party
Maddie Says...
Retraction of Sorts
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
We Scheduled the Delivery
How Many Funny Things Can Ben Say In One Day?
Monday, October 27, 2008
Primary Program
Friday, October 24, 2008
Claudia and the Night Time Photo Shoot

Pumpkin Carving and Poop Soup
Maddie kept busy, mostly moving from pumpkin to pumpkin. A little here, a little there, not really knowing what we were doing or why, but telling us over and over which one was hers.
This pumpkin was almost as big as Maddie and probably weighed as much as she does.
For his second pumpkin, I thought it was another lamp again until he finished it. He had me put a triangle nose on it. He made a point to tell me it was supposed to be flat on the top and pointed on the bottom because it needed to look right when he was standing on his head. Confusing to me for a minute, but then I realized he had carved the pumpkin upside down so the whole thing was on its head. Now I get it. Check out the picture. With the reflection on the counter top you can totally see the face...smart kid!
Think I can win the pumpkin carving contest?
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Junk Mail for Pregnany Moms
Another One Bites the Dust
The Tatoo On My Forehead
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Welcome Autumn
Baby #3 Got a Quilt
Pumpkin Crafting

Maddie could only come up with this: (it's hard to focus with all that candy around to distract you...)
Situational Sickness
Recipe Review
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Lighthouse Lacks Light
Every 24 Hours
More Supervision Required
Monday, October 20, 2008
I Saw the Hot Dog Car Today!!

Sunday Night Fireside
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Make It Beep Again
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Vomit Jinx
Pasta Roni Obsession
Scissor Danger
Ben's Favorite Play Place
Undecided Voter or Feuding Neighbors?
I Don't Want To Sit By You
I Want My Slipperies On
Friday, October 17, 2008
Massage Addicts
Every Step I Take Hurts
Once the kids all left, my visiting teachers came for a quick visit and the moment they walked out the door I started baking. We had stake auxiliary training tonight and each of the stake leaders was supposed to bring two different desserts. I had finished the pumpkin bars on Sunday and froze them knowing how busy my week would be, but still needed to make finger sized brownie bites. They are fantastic, chocolate, chocolate chip with cream cheese swirled inside. They just take a long time to make up. I got both batters mixed up separately and filled my first pan just before 3pm. They wouldn't come out of the pan and I knew I was in trouble. I planned to cook, dump, clean, cook, dump, clean with the same mini-muffin pan. My plan was really NOT going to work. I called my neighbor, Aimee, to go pickup 4 more mini-muffin pans from Mali's house since Maddie was asleep. What a life saver. I made more than 150 mini-muffins and finished about 4:45.
By this time, every time I took a step or shifted my weight on my feet, they just burned and throbbed. I knew I was in trouble with swollen feet. Darn pregnancy. Anyway, I finished the muffins just in time to make dinner and feed the kids to walk out the door by 5:30. Then it was off to drop them at a sitter's house for the evening and help them settle in before I ran to the church to set up the chairs, room and food. My legs and feet were getting really bad and just hurt terribly. It was so nice to sit down for the training meeting. Then we cleaned up, which I admit I didn't help with much, I was just soooo tired. Then I skipped out early to get the kids.
I was at the babysitters by 10 pm. Ben was passed out and in deeper sleep than I've seen him since he was 6 months old. Maddie was wide awake and excited that I had shown up to play with her again. I carried Ben to the car, which is no simple feat with my huge belly and got him buckled in. My friend Deborah brought Maddie Mae and we were off. While I really wanted Maddie to fall asleep in the car, I was secretly praying she wouldn't. Since we park in a parking lot, I hate having to leave one kid sleeping in the car in the dark to carry the other one in. I'm not really scared for their safety, but if they wake up stuck in a car seat locked in a car in the dark alone, they would freak out!!
Maddie didn't sleep at all. She was totally awake. So, she walked herself into the house but Ben was rough. He was as dead as could be to the world. I hoisted him on my shoulder the best I could, but the kid is getting big and I'm awkward right now to say the least. I did fine until I had to unlock the front door. Ben started slipping and I couldn't get his floppy body back up. Pretty soon I was trying to get up the stairs with the kid just holding around his waist while his head and arms flopped backward in front of me. How can this kid NOT wake up? I'm about to drop him and it would be impossible to sleep while someone was flipping your body all around and you are basically folded over backwards with your arms flopping around above your head.
I did eventually make it up the stairs with Ben and got him in Maddie's bed. His bed was just too overwhelming to me to lift him up and into the loft. Then Maddie and I unloaded all the leftover food in the truck and repackaged it to fit in our fridge. She seemed to think it was fantastic that she was awake so late. In the end, little Maddie Mae went to bed just a few minutes before 11pm. Tomorrow will be rough.